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2024-03 Questin Results

Key Question Answer Day Pts Strike
v1 1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho Other Rikishi. 14 100 7
an1 At the end of the Basho, a Rikishi who has the most number of wins in the last 3 Basho, and will also have the most number of wins in the last 2 Basho. Yes 15 20 42
an2 At least one Makuuchi Rikishi won't grab the opponent's Mawashi and he won't let his opponents glab his Mawashi all the time during the first 3 days, and he will lose for all of the 3 days.[Those 3 losses don't include the Fusen-pai(a lose by default).] Yes 3 20 36
an3 All of the 5 Makuuchi Rikishi who stopped competing midway in the previous Basho and stay in Makuuchi in this Basho will get at least 9 wins. No 13 10 60
an4 A Rikishi who is ranked in Maegashira10-17 will get 2 wins with 2 kinds of Kimarite(Each of 2 Kimarite appear for the first time in Makunouchi matches in this Basho.)earliest in Makuuchi Rikishi Yes 2 20 54
an5 There will be at least one match which decides both a Sekitori's first win in this Basho and the other one Sekitori's first loss in this Basho in one match on and after day5. No 6 10 46
an6 All 6 Ouzeki-Sekiwake will reach Kachikoshi. No 11 10 41
an7 About the Hatsu-gao match [the first time paired match since debut(Hatsu-dohyo).], Takerufuji[M17e] will have 2 wins in that matches earliest among Makunouchi Rikishi, and he will also have 5 wins in that earliest among them. No 5 10 13
an8 At lest one Rikishi will win against Takayasu[M8w] and will lose against Tsurugishou[M6e]. No 14 10 28
an9 At least one Rikishi will get at least 3 wins against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experience and will reach Makekoshi. Yes 14 20 36
an10 In comparing the number of wins against the Rikishi in higher Banzuke ranking than themselves, that of Ounosato[M5w] will exceed that of Asanoyama[M1e] at the end of the Basho. Yes 14 20 42
an11 Endou[M16e] will get at least 2 wins with [Uwate-, Shitate-]Dashinage. No 14 10 38
an12 Both Komusubi will break their own records for wins in a Basho[Abi-9, Nishikigi-5] which were recorded in the Sanyaku rank. No 13 10 65
an13 Daiamami[M16w] will have at least one win in the match it takes at least 1 minute, and he will also have at least one loss in the match it takes at least 1 munute. No 14 10 46
an14 Kotonowaka[O2w] will be included in the first match between 2 Ozeki, and he will lose in that. Yes 13 20 32
an15 Someone among juuryou Rikishi will be included the second match in Makuuchi matches on day15, and he will win in that. No 14 10 49
vt1 Ouzeki vs Takanoshou[M3w] Takanoshou[M3w] 7 20 16
vt2 Komusubi[Abi, Nishikigi] vs Ouhou[3e] Ouhou[3e] 14 20 26
vt3 Asanoyama[M1w] vs M2[Atamifuji, Meisei] M2[Atamifuji, Meisei] 6 30 13
vt4 M4[Tobizaru, Hiradoumi]& M5e[Midorifuji vs Tsurugishou[M6e] Tsurugishou[M6e] 3 20 35
vt5 Ounosato[M5w] vs M7[Kinbouzan, Tamawashi]& M6w[Gounoyama] Ounosato[M5w] 8 20 42
vt6 M8[Ounoshou, Takayasu] vs M11[Ichiyamamoto, Sadanoumi] M8[Ounoshou, Takayasu] 14 20 44
vt7 Hokutofuji[M9e] vs M12-13 only Banzuke East[Shounannoumi, Ryuuden] Hokutofuji[M9e] 15 20 28
vt8 Kotoshouhou[M9w] vs M12-13 only Banzuke West[Shimazuumi, Churanoumi] Kotoshouhou[M9w] 14 20 31
vt9 Shoudai[M10e] vs M14[Nishikifuji, Kitanowaka] Shoudai[M10e] 15 20 45
vt10 Mitakeumi[M10w] vs M15-16 only Banzuke West[Rouga, Daiamami] M15-16 only Banzuke West[Rouga, Daiamami] 9 20 29
sp 7. Special question ! M5[Midorifuji. Ounosato]on day5-7 7 38 26