Norizo Cup

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2017-05 Questin Results

Key Question Answer Day Pts Strike
v1 1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho Someone with zensho 15 100 4
an1 At least 2 rikishi who will defeat Ozeki and won't defeat Sekiwake. No 14 10 35
an2 A rikishi will win in more than half of the match against Yokozuna and Ozeki, and will lose in more tha half of the match against Maegashira. No 15 10 47
an3 A makunouchi rikishi will have 2 consecutive wins with one kind of kimarite '....nage'. Yes 9 20 61
an4 A rikishi won't reach kachikohi but will have at least 5 consecutive wins. Yes 14 20 31
an5 A rikishi will have at least 8 wins and will have at least 5 consecutive losses, too. Yes 14 20 33
an6 A rikishi who reached makekoshi in the previous basho will get Juryo yusho. Yes 15 20 31
an7 At least 4 maegashira rikishi who is in the highest banzuke in his career will reach kachikoshi. No 13 10 47
an8 At least a rikishi who hasn't got sansho will get Kanto-sho. Yes 15 20 35
an9 At least a rikishi who hasn't got 10 wins in makunouchi in a basho will get Gino-sho. No 15 10 52
an10 There will be a day when the difference of the total number of the wins until the day each 2 shin-nyumaku rikishi[Onosho and Yutakayama] spreads 5. Yes 9 20 18
an11 The most number of the total wins of 2 maegashira rikishi in the same banzuke rank will be at least 20 wins. Yes 13 20 30
an12 There will be at least a makunouchi rikishi who gets wins against opponents from 5 different countries. No 15 10 54
an13 At least a rtikishi in maegashira only west will reach kachikoshi by day 11. Yes 10 20 59
an14 There will be at least a day when all 3 sekiwake win and at least a day when all 3 sekiwake lose. No 15 10 32
an15 A rikishi in Sekiwake or Komusubi will have 2 losses against maegashira rikishi earliest in Sanyaku or above. No 5 10 26
vt1 Kisenosato vs Sekiwake Sekiwake 10 20 21
vt2 Kakuryu vs Maegashira Maegashira 2 20 44
vt3 Harumafuji vs Komusubhi Komusubhi 11 20 20
vt4 Hakuho vs Ozeki Hakuho 14 20 52
vt5 Goeido vs Takayasu Takayasu 2 20 61
vt6 Kotoshogiku vs Maegashira only west Maegashira only west 2 20 48
vt7 Mitakeumi vs Maegashira 2 or below Maegashira 2 or below 15 20 44
vt8 Takanoiwa vs Hokutofuji Hokutofuji 4 20 41
vt9 Sokokurai vs Ura Ura 7 20 38
vt10 Myougiryu vs Yutakayama Myougiryu 2 20 38
sp 7. Special question ! Chiyonokuni will get exactly 1 win against Yokozuna and 0 wins against Ozeki, and Chiyoshoma will get 0 wins against Yokozuna and Ozeki. 10 0 0