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2013-05 Questin Results

Key Question Answer Day Pts Strike
v1 1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho Hakuho with zensho [decides yusho on day14 or 15] 15 100 9
an1 There will be a day with all the 4 Sekiwake and Komusubi lose.(*1) Yes 8 20 29
an2 There will be a torikumi which decides kachikoshi for either Ozeki or Maegashira. Yes 13 20 35
an3 There will be a day with the sum of Hakuho's wins are less than Harumafuji's it from shonichi till tha day(*2) No 12 10 67
an4 There will be a torikumi which kachikoshi sekitori meets makekoshi sekitori until day12. Yes 11 20 39
an5 Someone in Maegashira with 2-0 from shonichi will be beaten by Yokozuna or Ozeki on day3. No 3 10 46
an6 Kitataiki will have 0 or 1win on day5.(*2) Yes 4 20 62
an7 Takarafuji will have 2 or more wins on day6.(*2) No 5 10 54
an8 Toyonoshima will have 5wins or more on day7.(*2) No 5 10 36
an9 Someone in Ozeki will reach kachikoshi until day12 but finish with 8-7. No 12 10 33
an10 Someone who have 7 losses until day10 will reachi kachikoshi. Yes 15 20 19
an11 There will be a day with Ozeki or below is in yusho leading alone until day12. No 12 10 66
an12 There will be 10 or more Makunouchi rikishi with 5-5 on day10. Yes 10 20 35
an13 Someone in juryo will win with kimarite sotogake. No 15 10 37
an14 Maegashira10 or below will meet Komusubi or above. Yes 13 20 33
an15 Homasho will gain 7 or more wins against former makunouchi rikishi.(*2) No 8 10 47
vt1 Hakuho vs Japanese born rikishi Hakuho 15 20 57
vt2 Harumafuji vs maegashira maegashira 2 20 40
vt3 Ozeki vs maegashira4 or below maegashira4 or below 14 20 56
vt4 Sekiwake vs maegashira1 maegashira1 8 20 49
vt5 Aran vs maegashira6 maegashira6 14 20 34
vt6 Shohozan vs Jokoryu Shohozan 6 20 49
vt7 Ikioi vs Chiyotairyu Ikioi 2 20 25
vt8 Toyohibiki vs Chiyonokuni Toyohibiki 6 20 46
vt9 Gagamaru vs Kaisei Gagamaru 9 20 43
vt10 Kyokushuho vs Masunoyama No Meet 10 30 7
sp 7. Special question ! Chiyootori or Azumaryu with 5wins and the other 3 rikishi with 4wins or fewer 8 100 10