Norizo Cup

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2012-03 Questin Results

Key Question Answer Day Pts Strike
v1 1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho Hakuho with 13wins [1 loss against Ozeki] 15 100 11
an1 There will be a day with all 5 Ozeki win.(*1) Yes 6 20 71
an2 2 or more makunouchi rikishi will be 0-7 from day1. No 7 10 50
an3 There will be a day when both Sekiwake win with the same kimarite.(*1) No 15 10 31
an4 Tochinowaka will be 1-2 on day3(*2) Yes 3 20 40
an5 Gagamaru will be 0-4 on day4(*2) Yes 4 20 39
an6 Takayasu will have 4 or more wins on day7(*2) Yes 4 20 55
an7 Shin-nyumaku rikishi will reach kachikoshi or makekoshi by day12.(*2) No 12 10 31
an8 A kimarite Kakenage will be announced after nakairi. Yes 6 20 25
an9 Someone in maegashira will gain 1 or more wins against each of 3ranks[Ozeki,Sekiwake,Komusubi]. No 13 10 40
an10 There will be a day all 3 Oshima-beya's sekitori win.(*1) Yes 10 20 45
an11 There will be 2 or more kachikoshi among 8rikishi from Komusubi to maegashira3. No 12 10 34
an12 New 2juryo rikishi will gain 17wins or more together.(*1) No 10 10 48
an13 Someone of 4 makunouchi who come from Osaka and Hyogo Prefecture will get sansho. Yes 15 20 44
an14 Kisenosato will gain the most wins against foreign-born rikishi among Japan-born rikishi.(*2)(*3) Yes 14 20 54
an15 Homasho will meet Sanyaku or higher.(*2) No 14 10 22
vt1 Hakuho, Baruto & Harumafuji vs Kakuryu(*4) Kakuryu(*4) 4 20 56
vt2 Kisenosato vs Maegashira(*4) Maegashira(*4) 1 20 39
vt3 Kotooshu vs Japan-born rikishi who ranked Sekiwake or lower(*4) Japan-born rikishi who ranked Sekiwake or lower(*4 3 20 76
vt4 Kotoshogiku vs Komusubi(*4) Kotoshogiku 8 20 73
vt5 Maegashira4 and 5 vs Shohozan(*4) Shohozan(*4) 2 20 45
vt6 Goeido vs Maegashira7 or lower(*4) Maegashira7 or lower(*4) 4 20 39
vt7 Chiyonokuni vs Miyabiyama No Meet 13 30 3
vt8 Okinoumi vs Maegashira10 and11(*4) Okinoumi 6 20 56
vt9 Maegashira12 and 13 vs Juryo(*4) No Meet 14 20 27
vt10 Ikioi vs Takanoyama Takanoyama 5 30 12
sp 7. Special question ! Tochiozan 8 200 3