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2009-07 Questin Results

Key Question Answer Day Pts Strike
v1 1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho Hakuho with 14-1(Yusho will be decided on day 15 after musubi) 15 100 28
an1 There will be a day with 5 Ozeki win. (*1) Yes 7 20 30
an2 There will be a day with Sekiwake or lower ranked rikishi leading alone. (*2) No 14 10 94
an3 There will be 3 or more Makunchi rikishi with kachikoshi by day 9. Yes 9 20 78
an4 Someone of Shin-nyumaku(Makuuchi debut) rikishi will get Kachikoshi by day 11. No 7 10 84
an5 Someone will be 7-0 from the shonichi among Maegashira. No 4 10 68
an6 Baruto with 1-2 after day 3. (*9) No 2 10 84
an7 Toyohibiki with 1-3 after day 4. (*9) No 4 10 48
an8 Harumafuji with 4-1 after day 5. (*9) No 5 10 60
an9 Someone of Maegashira4 or lower will meet Yokozuna. No 14 10 53
an10 There will be a day with 4 or more bout with kimarite includiing word 'Tsuki-' after nakairi. No 15 10 54
an11 There will be a day NHK Ozumo live broadcast finish after 18:00 (Japan Time). Yes 9 20 49
an12 There will be a day with the same side either Higashi or Nishi wins all bout which includes Ozeki. No 15 10 60
an13 Sonmeone will get Kinboshi. No 14 10 29
an14 Someone of Maegashira10 or lower will get kachikoshi earliest among Maegashira. Yes 10 20 51
an15 Homasho will win on day 5 and day 10. (*9) No 10 10 27
vt1 Hakuho vs Ozeki and Sekiwake(*) Ozeki and Sekiwake(*) 11 20 39
vt2 Asashoryu vs Sekiwake and Komusubi(*) Sekiwake and Komusubi(*) 8 20 59
vt3 Kotooshu vs Kisenosato Kotooshu 10 20 47
vt4 Harumafuji vs Kakuryu Harumafuji 7 20 99
vt5 Kotomitsuki vs Sekiwake(*) Sekiwake(*) 6 20 80
vt6 Chiyotaikai vs Baruto No Meet 14 30 10
vt7 Goeido vs Tochiozan Tochiozan 14 30 14
vt8 Iwakiyama vs Kakizoe No Meet 14 20 36
vt9 Mokonami vs Yamamotoyama Mokonami 8 30 20
vt10 Tosayutaka vs Homasho Homasho 1 20 89
sp 7. Special question ! day 8 8 83 12