Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2008-01)

ogibuyu' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Champion=Hakuho on Senshuraku before the last bout
xo2. Most active rikishi=Kokkai
oo3. Active rikishi=Homasho,Kyokutenho,Ichihara
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Kotoshogiku,Toyonoshima
an1There will be a day with 4 Sekiwake and Komusubi win. (*1)=No
an2There will be a day with a Maegashira rikishi leading alone (*2)=No
an3There will be 9 or more Makuuchi rikishi with 6 wins after day 12.=No
an4Maegashira 10 or lower rikishi will get 8 wins earliest among Maegashira.=Yes
an5Someone will be 6-0 from the shonichi among Maegashira.=Yes
an6Kisenosato will be 1-2 atter day 3. (*3)=Yes
an7Tochinonada will be 1-3 after day 4. (*3)=No
an8Kakuryu will be 3-2 after day 5. (*3)=Yes
an9The rikishi without the Sanyaku experience will get Kinboshi. =Yes
an10There will be a day with kimarite Yorikiri twice or fewer after nakairi.=No
an11There will be a day 3 or 4 Ozeki lose.=Yes
an12There will be a day when Wakanoho hands Roho a Chikaramizu.=Yes
an13Someone of Sekiwake or lower will get 11 or more wins with no Sansho.=Yes
an14Soneone of Maegashira 5 or lower rikishi will meet Yokozuna. (*1)=Yes
an15Homasho will meet Sanyaku.(*3)=No
vt1Hakuho vs Sekiwake or Komusubi=Hakuho
vt2Asashoryu vs Maegashira1 or 2=Asashoryu
vt3Kotooshu vs Sekiwake=Sekiwake
vt4Kaio vs Goeido=Goeido
vt5Ama vs Kisenosato=Ama
vt6Roho vs Baruto=Roho
vt7Homasho vs Toyohibiki=Homasho
vt8Kasugao vs Tochiozan=Tochiozan
vt9Shimootori vs Yoshikaze=Shimootori
vt10Kaiho vs Juryo=Kaiho
sp7. Special question !=Day2 with B