Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2021-01)

Terarno' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Takakeisho with 13 wins[does not lose by day 8]
xo2. Most active rikishi=Shimanoumi
oo3. Active rikishi=Terunofuji,Endo,Yutakayama
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Akua,Midorifuji,Akiseyama
an1In the maches of makunouchi on Shonichi[day1], there will be at least 3 matches in which 2 rikishi bump a head to a head each other at the first contact in the Tachiai.=Yes
an2There will be at least one day when at least one rikishi in Ozeki has more number of losses than his toal number of wins on day7 or after[including yasumi(rest)as a loss, too.].=No
an3There will be at least one day when at least 4 Sanyaku or above rikishi are defeated by Meagashira rikishi.=No
an4There will be at least one day when 2 Sekiwake and 2 Komusubi win, and there will be no day when all the 4 rikishi lose.=Yes
an5At least one rikishi who is ranked Maegashira 1-4 will get at least 4 wins in the matches among 8 rikishi in there[M1-4].=Yes
an6In the rikishi among Maegashira 5-8, someone who is ranked banzuke West will achieve Kachikoshi earliest and someone who is ranked banzuke East will reach Makekoshi earliest.=Yes
an7There will be at least 5 days when there are no matches among the rikishi who are ranked Maegashira 8-12. =Yes
an8In the matches among Maegashira 12-17, there will be at least one match it takes at least 90 seconds.=Yes
an9Midorifuji will get at least 3 wins with kimarite Katasukashi.=No
an10Among the [Maegashira or Juryo]rikishi who got at least 10 wins in the previous basho, at least 2 rikishi will get at least 10 wins.(*1)=No
an11Among the rikishi who had at least 10 losses in the previous basho, at least 2 rikishi will have at least 10 losses.(*2)=Yes
an12In the rikishi who have Makunouchi experience of at least 4 basho until the previous basho, the most number of consecutive wins of at least one rikishi will reach his personal best record of it in Makunouchi.(*3)=Yes
an13In comparison among the total number of wins of Makunouchi rikishi per a Heya, it of at least one Heya will exceed it of Isegahama-beya[4 rikishi(the most in Makunouchi) belong to] at the end of the basho.(*4)=Yes
an14At least one rikishi who is a candidate for either Sansho with conditions will lose on Senshuraku[day15].=Yes
an15At least 5 makunouchi rikishui will offer Kyujo that does not include it before the basho.=No
vt12 Ozeki [only banzuke East] vs Takayasu=2 Ozeki [only banzuke East]
vt2Terunofuji vs Maegashira 1=Terunofuji
vt3Takanosho vs Kotoshoho=Takanosho
vt4Mitakeumi vs Maegashira 2 or below[only banzuke West]=Mitakeumi
vt5Maegashira 5 or above[only banzuke East] vs Tokushoryu=Maegashira 5 or above[only banzuke East]
vt6Meisei vs Kiribayama=Kiribayama
vt7Shimanoumi vs Kotoeko=Shimanoumi
vt8Ichinojo vs Kotonowaka=Ichinojo
vt9Akua vs Midorifuji=Midorifuji
vt10Ura vs Ooho=Ura
sp7. Special question !=Maegashira 6 or above. And 5-6 wins.