Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2015-01)

Susanoo' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Kakuryu with 14wins or zensho
xo2. Most active rikishi=Myougiryu
oo3. Active rikishi=Chiyootori,Shouhouzan,Osunaarashi
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Ikioi,Homarefuji,Kotoyuki
an1Takayasu will be 1-2 on day3=No
an2Kyokutenho will gain 4wins or more on day6=No
an3Myogiryu will gain 7wins or more on day10=Yes
an4All 3ozeki won't have 2 successive losses by nakabi=Yes
an5There will be a day with only Kisenosato is beaten among yokozuna and ozeki=No
an6There will be a day with sekiwake beat yokozuna, and komusubi beat ozeki=No
an7There will be a day with makekoshi sekitori beat kachikoshi sekitori by day13=Yes
an8There will be a day with one side[east or west] gets 2wins or fewer in the part after the break of makunouchi-torikumi=Yes
an9Each of maegashira1, 2, 3 will gain 1win or more against ozeki=Yes
an10Someone from foreign will reach kachikoshi earliest in maegashira=No
an11Juryo yusho leading rikishiu will have 3losses after torikumi on day13=No
an12Someone with makunouchi exeperience will reach kachikoshi earliest in juryo=No
an13Someone in sekitori will win with 4 or more kinds of kimarite contains "nage"=Yes
an14There will be a day when lower banzuke rikishi win in 10 consecutive bouts after nakairi =No
an15There will be 5 or more banzuke with both east and west rikishi reach kachikoshi in maegashira =No
vt1Ichinojo vs komusubi=komusubi
vt2Tochinoshin vs maegashira2=Tochinoshin
vt3Endo vs maegashira4=maegashira4
vt4maegashira5 vs Toyohibiki=Toyohibiki
vt5Okinoumi vs Chiyootori=Chiyootori
vt6Takekaze vs maegashira10=Takekaze
vt7Shohozan vs maegashira13-14=maegashira13-14
vt8Yoshikaze vs maegashira12=maegashira12
vt9Osunaarashi vs maegashira15-16=Osunaarashi
vt10juryo1-4 vs Onosho=Onosho
sp7. Special question !=4wins[include 2wins with oshidashi]