Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2015-03)

ScreechingOwl' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Except for above all choices
xo2. Most active rikishi=Ikioi
oo3. Active rikishi=Tochinoshin,Jokoryu,Toyohibiki
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Okinoumi,Tamawashi,Sadanoumi
an1There will be a day with wins of 2 or more makunouchi-rikishi exceed Hakuho's wins=Yes
an2There will be a day with wins of 7 or more makunouchi-rikishi exceed Kisenosato's wins=Yes
an3There will be a day with wins of 35 or more makunouchi-rikishi exceed Tamawashi's wins=Yes
an4Mitakeumi will have 6 consecutive wins or more=No
an5Someone will defeat ozeki but won't defeat sekiwake=No
an6Total wins of 3 shin-juryo-rikishi will be 9 or more against the rikishi who have makunouchi exeperience=Yes
an7Someone in makunouchi will gain 2 or fewer win against maegashira=Yes
an8Someone in makunouchi who is at his highest ever rank will gain 4 or more wins against a rikishi ranked higher than him on the banzuke=No
an9Someone in sekitori will have 4 consecutive losses or more from shonichi but reach kachikoshi=No
an10Someone in sekitori will gain 4 consecutive wins or more from shonichi but reachi makekoshi[8losses or yasumi]=Yes
an11Someone who have not sekiwake exeperience will gain 5 wins or more against the rikishi who have sekiwake exeperience=No
an12Someone in maegashira will gain 7 consecutive wins or more from shonichi=Yes
an13Someone in sekitori will have a same kind of kimarite cosecutively for 5days or more regardless of victory or defeat=Yes
an14There will be a day with 2 or more torikumi which takes 1minuite or more after nakairi=No
an15There will be a day when one kimarite (not including yorikiri or oshidashi) is announced the most times after nakairi=No
vt1Hakuho vs ozeki=ozeki
vt2Harumafuji vs maegashira East=Harumafuji
vt3Kakuryu vs maegashira West=Kakuryu
vt4Terunofuji vs komusubi=Terunofuji
vt5Okinoumi vs Takarafuji=Takarafuji
vt6Ichinojo vs maegashira3 or below=Ichinojo
vt7Tochinoshin vs Endo=Tochinoshin
vt8maegashira5 or above vs Homarefuji=maegashira5 or above
vt9Aminishiki vs maegashira10 or below=Aminishiki
vt10Chiyootori vs maegashira14 =Chiyootori
sp7. Special question !=on day7