Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2024-03)

Norizo' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Kirishima, and has no losses against Ouzeki.
xo2. Most active rikishi=Ounosato
oo3. Active rikishi=Asanoyama,Shoudai,Ryuuden
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Nishikigi,Ouhou,Hiradoumi
an1At the end of the Basho, a Rikishi who has the most number of wins in the last 3 Basho, and will also have the most number of wins in the last 2 Basho.=No
an2At least one Makuuchi Rikishi won't grab the opponent's Mawashi and he won't let his opponents glab his Mawashi all the time during the first 3 days, and he will lose for all of the 3 days.[Those 3 losses don't include the Fusen-pai(a lose by default).]=No
an3All of the 5 Makuuchi Rikishi who stopped competing midway in the previous Basho and stay in Makuuchi in this Basho will get at least 9 wins. =No
an4A Rikishi who is ranked in Maegashira10-17 will get 2 wins with 2 kinds of Kimarite(Each of 2 Kimarite appear for the first time in Makunouchi matches in this Basho.)earliest in Makuuchi Rikishi=Yes
an5There will be at least one match which decides both a Sekitori's first win in this Basho and the other one Sekitori's first loss in this Basho in one match on and after day5.=Yes
an6All 6 Ouzeki-Sekiwake will reach Kachikoshi.=Yes
an7About the Hatsu-gao match [the first time paired match since debut(Hatsu-dohyo).], Takerufuji[M17e] will have 2 wins in that matches earliest among Makunouchi Rikishi, and he will also have 5 wins in that earliest among them.=Yes
an8At lest one Rikishi will win against Takayasu[M8w] and will lose against Tsurugishou[M6e].=Yes
an9At least one Rikishi will get at least 3 wins against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experience and will reach Makekoshi.=Yes
an10In comparing the number of wins against the Rikishi in higher Banzuke ranking than themselves, that of Ounosato[M5w] will exceed that of Asanoyama[M1e] at the end of the Basho.=Yes
an11Endou[M16e] will get at least 2 wins with [Uwate-, Shitate-]Dashinage. =No
an12Both Komusubi will break their own records for wins in a Basho[Abi-9, Nishikigi-5] which were recorded in the Sanyaku rank.=No
an13Daiamami[M16w] will have at least one win in the match it takes at least 1 minute, and he will also have at least one loss in the match it takes at least 1 munute. =No
an14Kotonowaka[O2w] will be included in the first match between 2 Ozeki, and he will lose in that.=No
an15Someone among juuryou Rikishi will be included the second match in Makuuchi matches on day15, and he will win in that.=No
vt1Ouzeki vs Takanoshou[M3w]=Takanoshou[M3w]
vt2Komusubi[Abi, Nishikigi] vs Ouhou[3e]=Ouhou[3e]
vt3Asanoyama[M1w] vs M2[Atamifuji, Meisei]=M2[Atamifuji, Meisei]
vt4M4[Tobizaru, Hiradoumi]& M5e[Midorifuji vs Tsurugishou[M6e]=Tsurugishou[M6e]
vt5Ounosato[M5w] vs M7[Kinbouzan, Tamawashi]& M6w[Gounoyama]=M7[Kinbouzan, Tamawashi]& M6w[Gounoyama]
vt6M8[Ounoshou, Takayasu] vs M11[Ichiyamamoto, Sadanoumi]=M11[Ichiyamamoto, Sadanoumi]
vt7Hokutofuji[M9e] vs M12-13 only Banzuke East[Shounannoumi, Ryuuden]=M12-13 only Banzuke East[Shounannoumi, Ryuuden]
vt8Kotoshouhou[M9w] vs M12-13 only Banzuke West[Shimazuumi, Churanoumi]=M12-13 only Banzuke West[Shimazuumi, Churanoumi]
vt9Shoudai[M10e] vs M14[Nishikifuji, Kitanowaka]=M14[Nishikifuji, Kitanowaka]
vt10Mitakeumi[M10w] vs M15-16 only Banzuke West[Rouga, Daiamami]=M15-16 only Banzuke West[Rouga, Daiamami]
sp7. Special question !=M5[Midorifuji. Ounosato]on day5-7