Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2017-05)

Jejima' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Other cases
xo2. Most active rikishi=Takayasu
oo3. Active rikishi=Shodai,Takekaze,Ikioi
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Chiyonokuni,Chiyoshoma,Daieisho
an1At least 2 rikishi who will defeat Ozeki and won't defeat Sekiwake.=No
an2A rikishi will win in more than half of the match against Yokozuna and Ozeki, and will lose in more tha half of the match against Maegashira. =No
an3A makunouchi rikishi will have 2 consecutive wins with one kind of kimarite '....nage'.=Yes
an4A rikishi won't reach kachikohi but will have at least 5 consecutive wins.=No
an5A rikishi will have at least 8 wins and will have at least 5 consecutive losses, too.=No
an6A rikishi who reached makekoshi in the previous basho will get Juryo yusho.=No
an7At least 4 maegashira rikishi who is in the highest banzuke in his career will reach kachikoshi.=No
an8At least a rikishi who hasn't got sansho will get Kanto-sho.=No
an9At least a rikishi who hasn't got 10 wins in makunouchi in a basho will get Gino-sho.=No
an10There will be a day when the difference of the total number of the wins until the day each 2 shin-nyumaku rikishi[Onosho and Yutakayama] spreads 5.=No
an11The most number of the total wins of 2 maegashira rikishi in the same banzuke rank will be at least 20 wins.=Yes
an12There will be at least a makunouchi rikishi who gets wins against opponents from 5 different countries.=No
an13At least a rtikishi in maegashira only west will reach kachikoshi by day 11.=Yes
an14There will be at least a day when all 3 sekiwake win and at least a day when all 3 sekiwake lose. =No
an15A rikishi in Sekiwake or Komusubi will have 2 losses against maegashira rikishi earliest in Sanyaku or above.=Yes
vt1Kisenosato vs Sekiwake=Sekiwake
vt2Kakuryu vs Maegashira=Kakuryu
vt3Harumafuji vs Komusubhi=Harumafuji
vt4Hakuho vs Ozeki=Ozeki
vt5Goeido vs Takayasu=Takayasu
vt6Kotoshogiku vs Maegashira only west=Maegashira only west
vt7Mitakeumi vs Maegashira 2 or below=Maegashira 2 or below
vt8Takanoiwa vs Hokutofuji=Takanoiwa
vt9Sokokurai vs Ura=Sokokurai
vt10Myougiryu vs Yutakayama=Myougiryu
sp7. Special question !=