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Entry Detail (2020-11)

Hironoumi' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Asanoyama with at most 13 wins[with Kettei-san]
xo2. Most active rikishi=Takanosho
oo3. Active rikishi=Mitakeumi,Terunofuji,Chiyonokuni
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Onosho,Kagayaki,Chiyoshoma
an1There will be at least one day when the difference in numbers of wins of either 2 rikishi are at least 5 among 3 Ozeki.=Yes
an2Both Komusubi will get at least one win against Ozeki and Sekiwake, respectively.=Yes
an3At the end of the basho, the total number of wins of the rikishi who are ranked Maegashira1-4 only banzukde West against the Sanyaku or above banzuke rikishi will be the same number as it of Meagashira1-4 only East, or will exceed it of Maegashira1-4 only East.=Yes
an4At least one rikishi who is ranked Maegashira 5-8 will get either Sansho or will be a candidate for either Sansho with conditions.=Yes
an5At the time after the matches on day 13, at least 6 rikishi who are ranked Maegashira 9-12 will achieve or exceed their final result in the previous basho.=Yes
an6At least one rikishi who is ranked Maegashira 13-17 will be 0-3 on day3, and at least one rikishi in it will be 4-0 on day4.=Yes
an7A rikishi who has Sanyaku experience in his career will get Juryo yusho in this basho.=No
an8The total number of the days when Tobizaru win and fall to under the Dohyo will be the same number as the total number of the days when he lose and fall to there, or it of "win and fall" will exceed it of "lose and fall".=No
an9Enho will have at least 5 kinds of Kimarite in his wins, and will have at least 4 kinds of Kimarite in his losses.=No
an10At least 2 matches will take at least 30seconds for the bout time in the last 6 matches on day 1.=No
an11At least 70% of the rikishi who have exactly 7 wins will meet and win against the rikishi who have exactly 8 wins on day 14-15.=Yes
an12All 6 sekitori who have no kyujo, no double digit number of wins and no double digit number of losses in either last 4 basho[in this year]will have no them in this basho, too.(*1) =No
an13The total number of wins of 15 Maegashira rikishi who have Sanyaku experience in their career will reach 100 earlier than it of 18 Maegashira rikishi who have not Sanyaku experience.=Yes
an14In comparison among the total number of wins of 2[East and West]rikishi in one Makunouchi banzuke classs[step]without Yasumi[rest], it of at least one Banzuke class will be at most 8.[Fusen-sho and Fusen-pai are counted as a win or a loss.](*3)=Yes
an15At least one rikishi will get at least 13 wins among 13 sekitori(*2)who are in the highest rank of banzuke in their career, and at least one rikishi among 13 sekitori will get at most 4 wins.=Yes
vt1Ozeki vs Kotoshoho=Kotoshoho
vt2Sekiwake vs Tobizaru=Sekiwake
vt3Komusubi vs Okinoumi=Komusubi
vt4Maegashira 2 vs Kagayaki=Maegashira 2
vt5Maegshira 5 or above banzuke rikishi vs Kotoeko=No Meet
vt6Maegashira 6 vs Tokushoryu=No Meet
vt7Maegashira 7 vs Ryuden=Ryuden
vt8Meisei vs Maegashira 16=Meisei
vt9Enho vs Hoshoryu=Hoshoryu
vt10Maegashira 14 vs Shimanoumi=Maegashira 14
sp7. Special question !=Kiribayama on day8.