Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2015-07)

Frinkanohana' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Hakuho with 14wins[decides on day14 or before]
xo2. Most active rikishi=Toyonoshima
oo3. Active rikishi=Tochiozan,Okinoumi,Endo
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Sadanoumi,Kaisei,Seiro
an1Someone in sekiwake will have a win against both yokozuna and ozeki earliest.=No
an2Takarafuji will defeat sekiwake but won't defeat komusubi.=Yes
an3Takayasu will defeat komusubi but won't defeat ozeki.=Yes
an4Someone in maegashira will defeat ozeki but won't defeat sekiwake and komusubi.=No
an5Amuru will gain 3wins or more against the rikishi who have sanyaku experience.=No
an6Endo will more wins the the final 5 days than in the first 5 days.=Yes
an7Someone will have 3wins and 2losses in all of each 3period[first 5days, middle 5 days and final 5days]=Yes
an8Someone in sekitori will have 2wins or fewer on nakabi but reach kachikoshi.=No
an9Someone in makunouchi will get 4wins or more against the Heisei-born rikishi[born after January 8, 1989]=No
an10The total wins of 2 shin-juryo will be 18wins or more.=No
an11There will be three days or more when Satoyama wins with a kimarite not used in any other Makunouchi bout after nakairi on that day.=No
an12Someone will have 2losses against the Georgian rikishi.=Yes
an13The days when both sekitori come from Aichi win will exceed the days when both sekitori are defeated.=Yes
an14There will be 3sansho[regardless of the kind] or more.=No
an15There will be a day with someone in Japan-born rikishi will win in 5cosecutive matches in makunouchi matches.=No
vt1Hakuho vs Isegahama-beya=Hakuho
vt2Kakuryu vs Sakaigawa-beya=Sakaigawa-beya
vt3Terunofuji vs Kasugano-beya=Kasugano-beya
vt4maegashira1 vs Kaisei=maegashira1
vt5maegashira2 vs Ikioi=maegashira2
vt6Aminishiki vs maegashira6=maegashira6
vt7Osunaarashi vs Chiyotairyu=Chiyotairyu
vt8Sadanofuji vs Amuru=No Meet
vt9maegashira1-9 vs Satoyama=maegashira1-9
vt10Kyokutenho vs Mongol-born rikishi who is below him on banzuke=Mongol-born rikishi who is below him on banzuke
sp7. Special question !=Either on day13 or after