Norizo Cup

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Entry Detail (2015-05)

Flohru' s entry list.

v11. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho=Except for above all choices
xo2. Most active rikishi=Terunofuji
oo3. Active rikishi=Ichinojo,Takayasu,Ikioi
xx4. Non-active rikishi=Aminishiki,Sadanoumi,Tokushoryu
an1Takarafuji will win by day3=Yes
an2Terunofuji will lose by day4=Yes
an3Kaisei won't reach kachikoshi or makekoshi by day13=Yes
an4Sadanoumi will have the most losses against sanyaku or above[there is no need for him to be alone]=Yes
an5Tokushoryu will gain 3wins or more against the rikishi who have experience in sekiwake=No
an6Someone will win against komusubi or above but lose against maegashira10-16=Yes
an74 or more juryo rikishi who is former sanyaku will reach kachikoshi=No
an8There will be 2 or more rikishi who win with 7 or more kinds of kimarite=Yes
an9Someone in makunouchi won't beat a Mongolia-born rikishi and get at least 6wins finally=Yes
an10There will be 4 or more days when the wins of 3ozeki exceed the wins of 4sekiwake and komusubi on a day=No
an11There will be 3 or more sekitorii who don't have result except both succesive wins and succesive losses=Yes
an12There will be a day when the total wins of this tournament's shin-juryo rikishi (Daishomaru and Nishikigi) exceed the total wins of the 2rikishi with the most wins out of last tournament's 3shin-juryo rikishi (Amakaze, Ishiura and Abi)=No
an13The kimarite of a bout involving new Jonokuchi Ura, who is famous for unusual winning techniques (kimarite), will not be used in any other bout throughout the entire day (from Jonokuchi to musubi) on that day=Yes
an14The two yokozuna will have the same win-loss record for the two days immediately before they face each other=No
an15Hakuho's win record[is 909wins] will tie or exceed Kyokutenho's[916wins]=Yes
vt1Ozeki vs Osunaarashi=Osunaarashi
vt2Sekiwake vs Tochinoshin=Tochinoshin
vt3Komusubi vs Aminishiki=Aminishiki
vt4Toyonoshima vs Maegashira5=Maegashira5
vt5Maegashira1-6 only east vs Sadanofuji=Sadanofuji
vt6Takayasu vs Maegashira11-12=Maegashira11-12
vt7Homarefuji vs Fujiazuma=Homarefuji
vt8Maegashira8 or above vs Chiyomaru=Chiyomaru
vt9Jokoryu vs Juryo=Juryo
vt10Maegashira9-10 vs Amuru=Amuru
sp7. Special question !=2wins[maegashira4]