Norizo Cup

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Vote Analysis(2024-07)

1. Makunouchi Saiko Yusho  [75]
Someone in M12-17.1621.33 %
Ounosato with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen.1520.00 %
Ounosato with other cases.1216.00 %
Kotozakura with other cases.912.00 %
Houshouryuu with other cases.68.00 %
Houshouryuu with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen.56.67 %
Kotozakura with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen.45.33 %
Terunofuji with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen.34.00 %
Terunofuji with other cases.22.67 %
Someone in M1-11.11.33 %
Kirishima with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen.11.33 %
Kirishima with other cases.11.33 %
2. Most active rikishi  [75]
Ounosato4560.00 %
Wakatakakage1418.67 %
Asanoyama1013.33 %
Kirishima22.67 %
Abi22.67 %
Midorifuji11.33 %
Mitakeumi11.33 %
3. Active rikishi  [224]
Asanoyama5323.66 %
Wakatakakage5122.77 %
Ounosato2511.16 %
Wakamotoharu219.38 %
Takayasu146.25 %
Kirishima146.25 %
Daieishou114.91 %
Midorifuji73.12 %
Abi41.79 %
Oushouma41.79 %
Hokutofuji41.79 %
Gounoyama31.34 %
Atamifuji31.34 %
Nishikigi20.89 %
Endou20.89 %
Kinbouzan20.89 %
Ryuuden10.45 %
Churanoumi10.45 %
Bushouzan10.45 %
Ouhou10.45 %
4. Non-active rikishi  [220]
Bushouzan4922.27 %
Mitakeumi3716.82 %
Kagayaki2410.91 %
Hiradoumi177.73 %
Takarafuji115.00 %
Sadanoumi104.55 %
Rouga73.18 %
Nishikifuji73.18 %
Ryuuden62.73 %
Chiyoshoma41.82 %
Oushouma41.82 %
Churanoumi41.82 %
Takanoshou41.82 %
Tobizaru41.82 %
Endou31.36 %
Shounannoumi31.36 %
Tamawashi31.36 %
Meisei31.36 %
Kotoshouhou20.91 %
Ouhou20.91 %
Gounoyama20.91 %
Hokutofuji20.91 %
Daieishou10.45 %
Shoudai10.45 %
Asanoyama10.45 %
Atamifuji10.45 %
Wakatakakage10.45 %
Kirishima10.45 %
Ounosato10.45 %
Ichiyamamoto10.45 %
Ounoshou10.45 %
Wakamotoharu10.45 %
Ura10.45 %
Kinbouzan10.45 %