Norizo Cup

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Day 13 Standings

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`Kakuryu vs Ichinojo or Aoiyama` result `Kakuryu`. 20 pts increment.
`Maegashira 8 or above vs Chiyomaru` result `Chiyomaru`. 20 pts increment.

PosYesClsScoreShikonaBanTotalMAAcNARNVSYusho nominations
11113W - 2LEeveM9w44080701508060
26112W - 3LSusanooJ5w390201101305080
39212W - 3LtsupparitaroM7w380200-30908040
410311W - 4LTerarnoM14w380200-701108060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
58211W - 4LKyojuJ6w380140404010060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
62411W - 4LyukihyouM8w380809010100100
77510W - 5LBillK1e3701400150800Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
85610W - 5LGurowakeO1e370802013010040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
94710W - 5LNantonoyamaM14e360140-7011010080Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
103310W - 5LOnoshoJ14e36080707010040Other cases
112089W - 6LchishafuwakuM9e350202013010080Other cases
123049W - 6LKunibikiJ11e3408001109060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
132699W - 6LdaisyouyamaM10e340201301104040
141159W - 6LkaiouJ1e33014030703060
1523109W - 6LFrinkanohanaM16w33014020704060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
1614119W - 6LYanenM1e330140-301107040Other cases
1713129W - 6LottottotoM13w33080101309020Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
1824139W - 6LChoshu-YukiY1e320140-40905080
191869W - 6LkotochikushiJ9e32050401108040Other cases
201579W - 6LkikkuzakankurouJ2e31014040108040Other cases
2112149W - 6LKaiowakaM11e310140-10307080
222588W - 7LkuroimoriJ13e31080201106040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
232198W - 7LyosououJ1w30014020-107080Other cases
2416158W - 7LSeki HaruakiK1w300140-501304040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
2519108W - 7LkitaguniJ7e3002090708040Other cases
2629118W - 7LWamahadaJ6e290140-405010040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
2735168W - 7LsengyoumiM4e2908001102080
2841178W - 7LAsashosakariM8e29020503090100Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
2932188W - 7LHaidouzoM6e280110-807010080Other cases
3022128W - 7LogawaJ11w2701400506020
3127198W - 7LGONZABUROWM2e27080-201304040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
3217208W - 7LkawajiM17e2705070306060Other cases
3333217W - 8LKitakachiyamaM13e27020110705020Other cases
3431227W - 8LhagiwaraM16e2702060906040
3528137W - 8LGanzohnesushiJ3w2701030708080Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
3637147W - 8LutinonamiJ5e260140-10304060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
3734237W - 8LFlohruM7e26011020108040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
383617W - 8LOnzoushi_oyakatams1e26020301108020Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
3948247W - 8LRuziklaoM5e26020-409011080Other cases
4040257W - 8LTsuchinoninjinM15w26010402090100Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
4139267W - 8LJejimaM15e25010501104040Other cases
4238157W - 8Lsugawara isaocchiJ2w24080-20507060
4342276W - 9LHironoumiS1w24020-209011040Other cases
4443286W - 9LyamanoyamaM10w230140-20106040
4549296W - 9LhashiM6w2308010305060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
4656306W - 9LAsshet De RosaM1w2302030707040
4744166W - 9LFujisanJ7w23010802010020Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
4852316W - 9LPandaazumaY1w230100709060Other cases
4950176W - 9Lbig-jordanJ14w220205090600
5053326W - 9LbluelionM4w2202050506040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
5147336W - 9LNorizoM3e22020201303020Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
5251346W - 9LtohruO1w22020-10708060Other cases
5346356W - 9LmiyabiM17w2101103010600
5445185W - 10LkotohirayamaJ4w210800902020
5554365W - 10LooborayamaS1e2102020904040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
5659195W - 10LwakaiouzenjouJ3e19080-90905060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
5758375W - 10LKotononamiM12w17020-20701000Other cases
5860204W - 11LDAIJ12w15080-20104040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
5955384W - 11LandonishikiM5w15010-10704040Other cases
6057214W - 11LreeeenJ8e1201010105040Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
616123W - 12LTakanorappams2w1102030-303060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.
6262393W - 12LkomasachanM12e70-1010-106020Other cases
6363222W - 13LandowanJ9w080-110-704060Kakuryu with 12 or 13wins.